Supermart juxtaposition 1 ( temporary installation)

Supermart juxtaposition 1 ( temporary installation)

10 years, 10 months ago 0

London Dada Work No. 543. Supermarket Juxtaposition no 1. “Fighting Decay the Hard Way”
Temporary public Installation at Tesco Surrey Quays. 31.10.11 at 17.20 ( Pallets of refined sugar c/w toothpaste & brush )
c. Michael St.Mark 2011

In what we believe to be the first work in a new concept genre within Installation Art,
deliberately selected items from separate product aisles within a large
public retail environment are brought together and juxtaposed so as to create
surprise thought-provoking dichotomies in the minds of unsuspecting
passing shoppers, and in so doing breaking down preconceptions from
advertising or brand image; revealing certain uncomfortable – or humorous – realities.

* Contact us for signed edition of 5 only digital print enquiries.

Relevant Wiki link on installation art.