Work No. 510; Auntie Gravity

Work No. 510; Auntie Gravity

11 years, 11 months ago 1

work 554: Auntie Gravity c. Michael St.Mark

As a child between the ages of about 9 to 14, Auntie M. would make a habit of visiting us each and every Sunday after lunch.
She’d be slunk low into the big soft lounge bay window armchair, endlessly holding forth ’til father made his excuse to leave ( typically “going to see a man about a (pub) dog” ). Mother would then reluctantly assume the role of a listening post for hours on end for a rambling monologue on all the local tittle-tattle and life’s injustices ( towards her naturally ).. of the previous week.
Auntie would usually get through five or six cups of tea from the same Cartland-pink floral bone china cup that mother kept ensconced away for these “special occasions”.

Rainy day Sundays were the worst – trapped indoors and with the afternoon wearing on excruciatingly slowly a distinct sense of queasiness would creep up on me, eventually inducing an intense irritability and deep desire to see the back of ‘auntie chatterbox’ – til the next weekend.

The sensation experienced by this found / arranged objects kitchen image recapturing surprisingly well this Sundays-with-auntie childhood experience.

Maybe it rocks your seasick boat too?

M. St.M


Available in a signed edition of 50 Lightjet prints on Ilford Pearl
26″ W x 23″ H
£750 ( unframed )

March 2018; editions 1 – 46 sold/reserved

2022 – Edition sold out. Interest in re-sales; contact St.Mark@Londondada.com

One Response

  1. admin says:

    A popular work that started off priced at £450 and likely to be sold out soon, please register interest asap ( May 2018 )

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