Work No. 567; Portrait of Man Ray

Work No. 567; Portrait of Man Ray

10 years, 5 months ago 0

Work No. 567; Dada Black Hole; portrait of Man Ray. c. Michael St.Mark

Stretched blank A1 Canvas with central white box frame holding a pure black photograph created by traditional darkroom processing from a single 35mm film negative onto premium matt Ilford photo paper.

Original signed work. Conceptual. One worldwide.
POA ( please use the Contact Us link for purchase enquiries )


LINKBACK to the original London Dada blog post for this work from 2011

Also featured in the 2016 video ” Snippets II ”


* A chance to invest at the ground floor level in the only truly independent, ground-breaking and morally-motivated new art direction in the world today – with authentic links tracing back to the original Dada movement of 1916-21.

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